Manga: Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui 神緒ゆいは髪を結い (Chapter 4, オルチャン激突祭)
- Context: Mai-nyun まいにゅん unleashes her ultimate technique on Kamio Yui 神緒ゆい.
- yankii gyaru ougi
Delinquent gal secret technique. - maji-manji-gatame
Serious swastika hold.- maji-manji
(a slang vaguely meaning something is intense.) - manji-gatame
Swastika hold. (literally.)
Octopus hold. (English name for the same wrestling technique.) - This is the skill that Mai-nyun acquired after arduous training as a gyaru. Don't ask me what in the world that training was. I have absolutely no idea.
- Unlike the normal manji-gatame, which targets only a few vital spots, the maji-manji-gatame targets 109 vital spots, according to the manga.
- This number, 109, pronounced maru-kyuu, literally "circle nine," with "circle" being a way to say "zero" when spelling out numbers, is in reference to the iconic department store in Shibuya 渋谷, the Ichi-maru-kyuu 109, which is a tower with a red 109 written on it.
- maji-manji
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JK slang.
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File Usage
The file maji-manjigatame-kamio-yui-ch04.png
has been used in the following articles:
Religious symbol and JK slang..