
Doujinshi: Getsuyoubi no Tawawa 月曜日のたわわ (C89, circle: Himaru Nyuugyou 比村乳業)


  • Context: a salaryman recalls the backstory.
  • hyonna koto kara ochikadzuki ni nari
    Due to something strange [happening], [we] became acquaintances, [then]...
    • nari is a ren'youkei 連用形 and can be used to connect an event to a subsequent one, translating here as "to become X, and then..."
  • {iinkai daka de rasshu-ji ni toukou shinakya naranai} getsuyoubi dake
    Only in the Mondays, [when] {[she] has to go to school at rush hours due to [something related] to a [school] committee}...
  • {chikan boushi no bodhii gaado wo oosetsukaru} you ni nattari shite
    [I] end up becoming {[her] anti-groper body guard}.
    • boushi 防止 means "prevention," so something chikan-boushi is something that prevents chikan, i.e. prevents gropers, anti-gropers.

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