Manga: Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou 魁!!クロマティ高校 (Chapter 4)
- Context: a class full of delinquents decides to try to find out who's the strongest delinquent around. Kamiyama 神山, who's not a delinquent, was nominated as a possible strongest.
- nande boku ga nomineeto sareteiru-n-desu ka....
Why am I being nominated....? - baka yarou
[You] idiot. - kocchi no serifu da!!
[It] is my side's line!!
I should be asking that, not you.
I also have no idea, and I want to know, too! - sassato sagaranee to bukkorosu zo!!
If [you] don't withdraw immediately [I'll] murder [you]!!
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僕. "I," "me," "boy."
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