

  • Context: Wakabayashi gets drenched in rain ON PURPOSE to try to get her dense romantic interest to notice her.
  • zaaaa
    *rain noises*
  • Hige-san, ohayou gozaimasu
    ヒゲさん おはようございます
    Hige-san, good morning.
  • mu, ohayou, Wakabayashi-kun mo nurechatta no ka
    む おはよう 若林くんも濡れちゃったのか
    Hm, good morning, [you] got wet, too, Wakabayashi-kun?
    • nurechatta - contraction of nurete-shimatta 濡れてしまった.
    • Hige uses the ~kun ~くん honorific with Wakabayashi, likely because they work at the same company and she's his subordinate or junior.
  • hai, bura mo sukesuke ssu
    はい ブラもスケスケっす
    Yes, [my] is completely seen-through, too.
    • ~ssu ~っす - same as desu です.
    • sukesuke 透け透け - intensifying reduplication.
  • zaaa
    *more rain noises*
  • shibaraku amayadori suru shika nai ne
    [It looks like] [we have no choice but] take shelter from rain for a while.
    • amayadori - pronounced ama, instead of ame, due to ten'on 転音.
  • mogumogu
    *munch munch*
  • a... are wa... {watashi no daisuki na} Tabekko Mashumaro!!
    T... that is... the Tabekko Marshmallow [that] {I love}!
    • Hige really loves that brand of marshmallows.

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