Manga: Rokudenashi Blues, ろくでなしBLUES (Volume 4, Chapters: たわけ者の主張; THE SURVIVAL 逆襲の井岡; Volume 5, Chapter: こんな好機はまたとない; Volume 10, Chapters: fifteen minutes; 片方の耳だけ白い黒ネコのたたり; Volume 17, Chapter: 小兵二軍団; Volume 25, Chapter: バスタオルも売れ!; Volume 30, Chapter: A criminal got angry.)
A collage of a running gag in which, mainly, Nakata Koheiji 中田小兵二 appears stripped naked, clothes folded beside him as punishment for doing something stupid.Relevant Articles
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A pose of prostration, or grovelling.