Manga: Black Lagoon (Chapter 8, Das Wieder Erstehen Des Adlers PT.4)
- Context: Two-Hands succinctly elaborates her argument against the notion of which the appearance and/or background history pertaining to a firearm is of any importance.
- hitotsu ii koto oseete yaru yo.
[I'll] teach one good thing. - konna mon wa na,
This sorta thing, [you see],- The furigana dots are for emphasis.
- konna mono こんなもの
This sort of thing.
- utete atarya ii-n-da yo.
[If you] shoot and [it] hits, [it's] good.
- That's enough.
- atarya - contraction.
- utete atareba ii
Good if shoot and hit.
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こんな, そんな, あんな, どんな, "like this," "like that," "like what."
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