Manga: Seto no Hanayome 瀬戸の花嫁 (Chapter 1, 瀬戸の妻)
- Context: a character sitting in agura あぐら position introduces himself, as does his wife.
- washi wa San no chichioya de Seto-uchi-gyorui-rengou Seto-gumi Kumi-chou "Seto Gousaburou" ja
儂は燦の父親で瀬戸内魚類連合瀬戸組 組長 『瀬戸豪三郎』じゃ
I'm Sun's father and Seto's Inner Fish-kind Alliance, Seto Group's Boss, "Seto Gousaburou."- ja じゃ - same as da だ copula, used by characters that sound old.
- 『』 - quotation marks.
- dosu
*thud* - sono tsuma "Seto Ren"
That's wife, "Set Ren"! (literally.)
- sono hito no tsuma
The aforementioned person's wife.
- sono hito no tsuma
Relevant Articles
太郎, 一郎, 次郎, 三郎, 四郎.
あぐら. A way to sit with legs crossed.
この, その, あの, どの.
File Usage
The file washi-seto-no-hanayome-ch01.png
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