
Manga: Yuri Danshi 百合男子 (Chapter 8, TURN)


  • Context: a yuri shipper analyzes how seme-uke roles are conveyed through stereotypes.
  • {{{kuro-kami-rongu-doushi no} kappuringu to ieba} yuri sakuhin zentai toshite wa sukunakunai} hazu da ga naze meinsutoriimu e no saiyou wa mare nanda?
    [I] guess {[considering] all yuri works, {pairings [in which] {both [girls] have long, black hair}} aren't few}, so why [its] use in mainstream [works] is rare?
    • i.e. a lesbian couple with two characters of long, black hair happens sometimes, but in mainstream works that rarely happens.
  • kyarakutaa no baraethii? gamen-bae?
    Character variety? [To look good] appearing on screen?
  • iya, yahari {{uke-seme wo dai-san-sha ni tsutaeru} ue de kami no iro ya kami-gata de wakari-yasuku hyougen suru} hitsuyou ga aru no darou ka
    いや やはり受け攻めを第三者に伝えるで髪の色髪型わかりやすく表現する必要があるのだろうか
    No, [considering it again], [I] guess [it] is because {{to convey who is uke and who is seme to a third-party}, [it] is necessary {to express [it] in a way that's easy to understand, using the hair color, hairstyle, [and so on]}}.
    • He then goes on to say that such pairing is great nonetheless.

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