Manga: Noragami ノラガミ (Chapter 1, ジャージのひと)
- Context: Mutsumi 睦美 says why she's frustrated.
- datte... minna ijimeru shi, mushi suru shi'...
Because... everybody bullies [me], ignores [me]... - Mutsumi φ, nanimo {warui} koto shitenai noni!
睦美 なにも悪いことしてないのに!
Even though Mutsumi did nothing wrong! - ichininshou ga namae tte no ga shara-kusee
[Using] [your] name as first person pronoun feels cheeky.- shara-kusee - contraction of shara-kusai 洒落臭い, literally "reeking of impertinence," as in it seems like it's cheeky, impudent, from how it looks.
- Yato-san kuuki wo!!
Yato-san, read the [air]!!
- kuuki yome
Read the air. (literally.)
Read the room. Pay attention to social cues. (used here because the girl was crying frustrated and he just threw a sharp jab on her behavior.)
- kuuki yome
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Used to list reasons.
Stinky. To stink of.
File Usage
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