
Rightmost: Hayashida Shinjirou 林田慎二郎
Right: Hokuto Takeshi 北斗武士
Middle: uh... what was his name again... I forgot. Hokuto's henchman.
Left: Kamiyama Takashi 神山高志
Leftmost: Maeda Akira 前田彰
Anime: Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou, 魁!!クロマティ高校 (Episode 16, Stitch)
delinquent-squat-sakikage-cromartie-high-school-ep16.jpg (~.webp)


Hayashida Shinjirou 林田慎二郎, Hokuto Takeshi 北斗武士, Hokuto's henchman, and Maeda Akira 前田彰 sitting in yankii-zuwari ヤンキー座り (delinquent squat), while Kamiyama Takashi 神山高志, who isn't a delinquent, sits in taiiku-zuwari 体育座り.

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