Manga: School Rumble, スクールランブル (Chapter 62, The Graduate)
- Context: Hanai Haruki 花井春樹, who doesn't have a beard, was selected to play the "part (as in role)," yaku 役, of the groom of Tsukamoto Tenma 塚本天満 in a wedding of a theater piece, triggering the wrath of Harima Kenji 播磨拳児.
- yurusen
[I] can't forgive [it]! - dododo
*motorbike noises* - {hige mo nee} yatsu ni Tsukamoto Tenma no hanamuko-yaku no shikaku wa nee!!
A guy [who] {doesn't even have facial hair} doesn't have the qualification to be Tsukamoto Tenma's flower-groom part!!- nee - contraction of nai ない.
- Hanai 花井 has the gikun 義訓 reading of yatsu ヤツ, a "guy," here, because a "guy" refers to him specifically.
- Hanamuko wa--ore nomi!!
The flower groom is... me only!!
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俺. "I," "me."
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