Manga: Ouran High School Host Club, Ouran Koukou Hosuto-Bu 桜蘭高校ホスト部 (Chapter 3)
- Context: the club wonders how Haruhi ハルヒ changed her appearance so drastically.
- mireba
miru hodo
fushigi da yo ne~~
The more [you] see it the stranger [it] gets. - nande
kore ga aa nacchau wake
For what reason did this ended up becoming like that?- This: in middle school, chuugakkou 中学校, Haruhi looked like a normal girl.
- Like that: in high school, koukou 高校, Haruhi looks like a boy.
- Although Haruhi is in front of them, the word used isn't sou そう but aa ああ. That's because the guys aren't talking to her, they're talking about her. She's a third party in the conversation.
- kou ichi 高1
First year of high school. - nacchau なっちゃう
natte-shimau なってしまう
End up becoming.
- kami wa... nyuugaku zenjitsu kinjo no ko ni gamu wo hittsukerarete...
The hair... days before entering school, a [chewing] gum was [put on it] by a neighborhood kid...- Hikari starts explaining how she became "like that," aa ああ, or, from her point of view, "like this," kou こう.
Relevant Articles
"Like this," "like that," "like what," "how."
Refers to a reason.
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